We had another great day yesterday. The temperatures were still in the 40’s, with overcast skies. Not great weather for photographing; so we drove through the park, observing wildlife and enjoying the scenery.
The clouds had lifted enough yesterday to enable us to see the mountains. They are so beautiful with the snow covered peaks. But the camera’s lens could not capture the beauty. The clouded skies blend with the gray mountain peaks, making for ho hum shots.
We awoke to pretty much the same weather today. The prediction is again for rain and/or rain mixed with snow at the lower levels, and more snow at the higher elevations. So today may be a good day to enjoy the museums and photo galleries, of which there are many in Jackson. We definitely want to see the Wildlife Museum before we leave.
But back to yesterday…We found a back road yesterday, which we love. It had very little traffic, and was prime moose habitat. But still we did not find any moose. Then as we were leaving the park around 5:30 last night, you guessed it. A moose cow and calf tucked into the sage brush, just outside the park gate. Not a place we would expect to find moose, proving once again that animals don’t read the books written about them. We enjoyed just watching them for a few minutes. They seemed quite content to lie there and watch the people who were watching them.
We did take a few wildlife photos yesterday, and some are included in this posting. The elk shot shows a wound on his shoulder. We actually didn’t notice the wound while we were observing him. But when Sal downloaded the shots to the laptop, it clearly was visible. He otherwise appeared to be in good health.
The bison are free range animals. They are so much fun to watch as they wander. It always reminds us of yesteryear when they were free and plentiful.
Thanks for sticking with us. More to come as the weather prediction for next week is back to sunny skies. The new camera will be put to good use, and hopefully we’ll have lots of great stuff to share.
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