We’re back… Where have we been, you ask? The answer, bummed out! At last posting we reported that the camera was back from the repair facility. Yes, it was; but what we hadn’t discovered yet was that it wasn’t entirely repaired. One of the major issues when we sent it out was the detachment of the mounting ring. For you technical people like me, that’s the thingy that holds the lens on the camera.
Remember that it fell completely off the camera, and Sal tried to reattach it. Well, guess what? The tech did everything but check that mounting ring. Sal went out to test the camera. He had a long lens attached to the tripod. As soon as he attached the camera to the lens, the mounting ring fell off again. We didn’t have time to wait another week for a second repair trip. So we went in search of a replacement. Long story shortened, new camera purchased. It arrived yesterday afternoon.
We hit the road shortly after delivery. But unfortunately didn’t see any wildlife until after it was too dark to photograph, and the mountains were cloud covered . But what a great experience it was anyway. The elk are magnificent to watch, even if you don’t have a camera. Then today we found herds of bison, and they seemed to be much more active than in days past. The young bulls were ‘sparring’, and the small calves were running around as though playing. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the weather has turned cold. Highs in the 40’s today, and the peaks are snow covered. But whatever the reason, we thoroughly enjoyed watching them romp.
The weather prediction for the remainder of the week and weekend is pretty much the same; rain and/or rain mixed with snow. So we’re still waiting for that sunny morning to go back to the Gros Ventre Wilderness. Hopefully we’ll get it before we leave here. Meantime, we heard today that the Yellowstone South gate is closed due to snow. Guess we moved from there just in time…
Well, again sorry for our absence the past few days. But we didn’t think you’d want to hear our complaints about camera equipment.
The shots included in this post are some which Sal took before the ill fated camera incident. Although the camera was gone, the memory card survived. So he was able to download them once the new camera arrived. The first is an unmarked scenic. Sorry, we can’t remember where we found that one. The second is a blacktail fawn; and the last it a couple of
Pronhorn which Sal titled, “How long shall we stand here, holding traffic?”
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