We’re having a great time with friends and family. I particularly had a great time today. I met two friends from high school (yes, that was a long time ago) for lunch. The three of us, for different reasons, migrated to Texas, Oklahoma, and NY respectively. But we all traveled a bit today, and met for a good ol’ fashion gab session. What a great time we had reminiscing.
Tomorrow is a tourist day. We going to the Federal Building Memorial, and wherever else the family wants to take us.
We’ve spent some time driving around Oklahoma City, and have found it to be a very well kept, pretty city. Lots of construction, and they seem to work very hard at making commercial, schools, and residential neighborhoods blend.
More to come about the tours after tomorrow. Meantime, thanks for checking in…
P.S. Since the last post we moved. We are now in Twin Fountains RV Park. Thanks to a very nice couple we met while over nighting in Capital City RV Park in Topeka, we are aware of the new park in Oklahoma City. This park is beautiful. The owners have taken a very heavily treed lot, thinned it out just enough to permit safe spaces for RV’s, while at the same time leaving trees for shade. The park is built on a hill. But they’ve terraced sites into the hill with lots of space between sites. The sites are all concrete, and perfectly level. The facilities are beautiful, including a wonderful gathering place with full kitchens (yes, multiples) for groups. They even pick up the trash at your site everyday. We love the park, and would recommend it to anyone passing thru or spending any time in Oklahoma City.
How about a picture of the two of you so we know who we are traveling with?
How about a picture of the two of you so that we know who we are treveling with?
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