States We will visit

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Friday, July 27, 2007

So much for best laid plans…We awoke to a ‘low battery’ signal from the security system. And did we have replacement batteries
+ on hand, of course not! So off I went to Walmart to buy batteries.

After batteries replaced in all the motion detectors (just in case), and then you’d think we’d be on our way. But, not so fast. While carrying the Coleman cooler to the truck, DH unknowingly dropped his keys in the middle of the lawn. So we spent another 20 minutes searching for keys.

But at long last we left home at 9:37AM. A little shy of the 8AM departure we had hoped for, but what the heck, it was the first day.

Fortunately our plan had allowed time for a later than desired departure time. So the travel day was a little shorter than most days. 264 miles later, we arrived in the campground of our choice in Erie, PA about 3:30PM.

The plan was to pull into a pull through site, and just lift the weight off the truck with the jacks, but not unhook. Well, again those best laid plans…The site was a bit down hill. Unfortunately just enough to force us to unhook the 5er in order to raise the front end enough to be level. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, and another campsite…

1 comment:

GoughRMAK said...

You always think you have great plans until you try to execute them. At least you are on your way. Have a safe journey.