States We will visit

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

One Day Closer to Home

Well, it’s Friday, and we’re one state closer to home. We slept in a Travel Center last night because we could not find a CG still open.

Tonight we’re in Hickory Hollow Campground in Utica, IL. They have WiFi (or so they claim), but it does not reach our campsite. So we’ll post this somewhere on the road tomorrow.

We drove in rain all day yesterday, across the flat lands in Nebroska, and into Iowa. But we were surprised this afternoon to see rolling hills and trees just beginning to turn colors. We agreed that it reminded us of upstate NY. Or is that just because we’re ready to be home?

As we drove yesterday, we remarked about how difficult it must have been for the early settlers. Thanks to their guts and stamina, and for technology, our trip is much easier than those early Americans.

I guess we’ve both become a bit depressed. For over two and a half months now, when we moved from one place to another, there was another adventure around that next bend. But since we left the Tetons, our desire is just to be home. We’ve agreed that we’d like to be Samantha the witch. So we could just wiggle our noses, and be in our driveway. But of course that won’t happen. So we’ll just push on, and hope to be home by Monday.

For those of you who are still with us, thanks for your interest.

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