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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bad Morning...

The day was going great. AND THEN BOOM!!!!!

We left camp very early to hopefully catch the wolves in Lamar Valley. We spotted a group of people in pullouts, so we pulled off to check it out.
It turned out to be wolves!! Here’s the boom part.
Sal pulled his camera out of the truck, and headed for the knoll. The release on his tripod caught on something, and BOOM. Down went the camera and 50 to 500mm lens to the pavement. Fortunately, the lens seems to be ok. But the camera is dead.

So we came back to camp, and rushed through the process of finding a repair facility. The camera will be picked up by Fed Ex tomorrow, and hopefully will be back within 5 days. Meantime, we’re leaving here on Monday, moving to the Tetons. So the camera will be shipped to our next RV park. Wish us luck!

Sal does have two other cameras, and all his lenses fit the spares. But they are not digital, so there goes the blog photos until the digital camera is returned to us.

By the way, we did see two wolves feeding on a bison this morning. They were fairly far away, but I was able to do a bit of videoing while Sal tried to put his camera back together. But the joy of the sighting was lost on the mishap.

1 comment:

GoughRMAK said...

Wow, how frustrating!! I know how miserable it can be without a digital. Hopefully it can be repaired without too much expense.
