New Mexico, Land of Enchantment! Or so it says on their license plates…and we did enjoy the drive. We saw mesa after mesa, one as beautiful as the next. Although it was still very hot yesterday, we also had great cumulus cloud formations for most of the day.
We stopped at the Continental Divide, and visited a couple of Native American Shops that were nearby. While in the second shop we ran into the two gentlemen we had seen in Mid Point, TX at the cafĂ© on old RT 66. We chatted for a few minutes and learned that, while they started their journey in Spain, one is actually from Denmark. They flew to Chicago and rented Harley Davidson’s, and are making their way to LA, staying on old RT 66 wherever possible. What a great way to see America (if you are not terrified of motorcycles like me).
Since we made several stops along the route yesterday, we pulled into our campsite around 5:30. The temp here in Flagstaff was already down to 85, and was only 70 by the time we went to bed. So we slept with the A/C off and the windows open for the first time since we left home. It was great to breathe the fresh air.
They too have a blog. So we exchanged blog addresses, and will follow each other’s journeys. If you would like to follow them also, their address follows. They told us that although they had planned their trip before the movie Wild Hogs was released, the blog name was influenced by the movie.
Today we took a side trip to Sedona. I will simply say that words cannot describe the beauty God has made. We drove down into the canyon on 89A. It’s a switch back winding road, but oh was the scenery wonderful. We stopped along the way, wherever pull offs would permit, to take both photographs and video. However, since we have limited internet access here, we’ll post photos at a later date.
I will just say to those of you who love nature, if you have the opportunity to see Sedona and the surrounding area, do take the time. It is worth every moment.
We’re staying in a small campground just off 89 just east of Flagstaff. It’s the J&H RV Park. It is very well kept. The restrooms and showers are clean, and the staff is very friendly. Additionally, we had to do a little shopping last night after we set up camp, and found the people in general to be very courteous and helpful; not only drivers, but store employees as well. Hats off to Arizonans!
Well, it’s back on the road tomorrow. We’re headed for Hesperia, CA (more heat I suspect). I do not believe we will have WiFi in Hesperia. After Hesperia, our next stop is the Ventura Beach RV Park. Yes, we’re staying on the beach! After all the heat we’ve experienced over the past two weeks, we’re looking forward to those cool ocean breezes. But we may not have WiFi in Ventura either.
We’ll post again as soon as we can. Thanks for sticking with us…
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